Script guide

Each quatrain on the blog is posted both in the original Kannada script, as well as rewritten in Roman script. The guide followed for transliteration from Kannada to Roman script on this blog is the one employed in Baraha phonetic keyboard; the same is displayed below:

ಅ = a, ಆ = A, aa, ಇ = i, ಈ = I, ee, ಉ = u, ಊ = U, oo, ಋ = Ru, ೠ = RU, ಎ = e, ಏ = E, ಐ = ai, ಒ = o, ಓ = O, ಔ = ou
ಂ = M
ಃ = H

ಕ್=k, ಖ್=K,kh, ಗ್=g, ಘ್=G,gh, ಙ್=~g
ಚ್=c,ch, ಛ್=C,Ch, ಜ್=j, ಝ್=J,jh, ಞ್=~j
ಟ್=T, ಠ್=Th, ಡ್=D, ಢ್=Dh, ಣ್=N
ತ್=t, ಥ್=th, ದ್=d, ಧ್=dh, ನ್=n
ಪ್=p, ಫ್=P,ph, ಬ್=b, ಭ್=B,bh, ಮ್=m

ಯ್=y,Y, ರ್=r, ಱ್=rx, ಲ್=l, ವ್=v,w, ಶ್=S,sh, ಷ್=Sh, ಸ್=s, ಹ್=h,~h, ಳ್=L, ೞ್=Lx
ಜ್ಞ = j~ja
ಕ್ಷ = kSha