ಬೀಳುವುದ ನಿಲ್ಲಿಪುದು, ಬಿದ್ದುದನು ಕಟ್ಟುವುದು |
ಹಾಲೊಡೆಯೆ ಕಡೆದದನು ತಕ್ರವಾಗಿಪುದು ||
ಹಾಳ ಹಾಳಾಗಿಪುದು, ಹಳದ ಹೊಸತಾಗಿಪುದು |
ಬಾಳಿಗಿದೆ ಚಿರಧರ್ಮ - ಮಂಕುತಿಮ್ಮ ||
bILuvudu nillipudu, biddudanu kaTTuvudu |
haaloDeye kaDedadanu takravaagipudu ||
haaLa haaLaagipudu, haLada hosataagipudu |
baaLigide chiradharma - mankutimma ||
To stop that is about to fall, To rebuild that has fallen,
To churn milk that has coagulated into buttermilk,
To ruin a few of the ruined, To renew a few of the old,
These, the eternal dharma of living - Mankutimma.
ಹಾಲೊಡೆಯೆ ಕಡೆದದನು ತಕ್ರವಾಗಿಪುದು ||
ಹಾಳ ಹಾಳಾಗಿಪುದು, ಹಳದ ಹೊಸತಾಗಿಪುದು |
ಬಾಳಿಗಿದೆ ಚಿರಧರ್ಮ - ಮಂಕುತಿಮ್ಮ ||
bILuvudu nillipudu, biddudanu kaTTuvudu |
haaloDeye kaDedadanu takravaagipudu ||
haaLa haaLaagipudu, haLada hosataagipudu |
baaLigide chiradharma - mankutimma ||
To stop that is about to fall, To rebuild that has fallen,
To churn milk that has coagulated into buttermilk,
To ruin a few of the ruined, To renew a few of the old,
These, the eternal dharma of living - Mankutimma.
Translator's thoughts: The reality of life is captured with such beauty and subtlety by the poet, I am mesmerized by the poetic sensibility where he has captured the entire philosophy of "efficient utility management" or "resource optimization" in the second line with the finest everyday illustration!